速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Restaurant Quick Finder

Restaurant Quick Finder





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Restaurant Quick Finder(圖1)-速報App

Restaurant Quick Finder allows you to search for your Preferred Restaurants. Restaurant Quick Finder offers a wide variety of restaurants to appeal to every taste and budget, and new restaurants are added each month, you can find the best restaurant for you that fits your need.

Restaurant Quick Finder is best to search for and discover great beautiful places to eat and hangouts it is light and very beautifully designed and very much easy for any user to find out any restaurant and food shop around your city or even in country or the world!

Restaurant Quick Finder(圖2)-速報App

Also with Restaurant Quick Finder you can search nearest Bar, Café and Liquor Store. You will get a slide bar in this application where there is a range between 0.0 km to 3.0 km. You just fixed a distance and start search of your desired ones, this search will give you a list of what you are searching for of your desired distance. The search will also give you the list in the map too. isn't great ?


Restaurant Quick Finder(圖3)-速報App

Restaurant Quick Finder(圖4)-速報App

Restaurant Quick Finder(圖5)-速報App

Restaurant Quick Finder(圖6)-速報App

Restaurant Quick Finder(圖7)-速報App

Restaurant Quick Finder(圖8)-速報App